Family Day

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We had a good day at the Family Day.

It was at the Dutch Valley Church of God located at 1416 Breda Drive in Knoxville.

Many significant promotions happened on this day. Master James Ogle was promoted to 9th Dan, Rick Breeden was promoted to 6th Dan, and Daniel Johnson and I were promoted to 2nd Dan among many others.

During the seminar, we had some instruction in Sambo and a few arm bars by Master McMahan.

Then Brad Walker, Chris Hawkins and Ron Tolliver talked a bit about knife, gun and other weapons. (

Mast James Ogle discussed and demonstrated some basic drills for understanding and disrupting another person's balance.

Sensei Mike Allan demonstrated and lead us thru some basics with Eskima sticks. We discussed the 12 basic strikes with the sticks and then practiced with a few basic techniques.

Master Rick Breeden told us about TESTing ourself with kata.
T - Think before you run the kata
E - Eye contact
S - Strength - run all kata with appropriate strength like you are competing each time - perfect practice
T - Tempo or Timing - kata have an ebb and mindful of it.

Sensei Cofer was the last session of the day and he presented the 5 reasons he stays in Karate.

It was a great day and I had a lot of fun with it.

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