The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Habit One: Be Proactive.
- "The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive
person." (p.72)
- Habit Two: Begin With The End In Mind.
- "All things are created twice," first mentally and then physically or
- Habit Three: Put First Things First.
- Reduce time spent on things that are urgent but unimportant and devote more time to what
is more important but not necessarily urgent.
- Habit Four: Think Win-Win.
- Have an Abundance Mentality.
- Habit Five: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.
- Listen empathically (getting inside the other person's frame of reference so you listen
with one purpose: understanding) until you truly understand the other person's position.
Then work on ensuring that you clearly communicate your thoughts and ideas.
- Habit Six: Synergize.
- Create a solution or a design or an approach better than either party could have
produced individually.
- Habit Seven: Sharpen The Saw.
- The commitment to continuous improvement in each of the four aspects of human existence:
Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Social-Emotional.
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