2013-01-01 Beginning

It starts again.

Lori and I were doing pretty well before the holidays on our low-carb diet. I had lost around 15 pounds and we were getting into the groove of eating that way (it's harder than it sounds, by the way). With the holidays and me being on vacation for three weeks, we did like most people and enjoyed the holiday food. I gained 7 pounds.

So, like everyone on new years day, we're on a diet. For us, I think we'll make it work since it was working for us before the holidays. This meal log is part of the renewed effort to keep ourselves on the right track.

I hope to take pictures of almost everything I eat. That way I can easily reflect back and see how my portion control is doing. This will be a hard habit to establish I think, but I'm going to try.

Wish us luck!